Dallas Fashion Consultant, Julie Thurburn, shares a tip from international model, Roxan Gould.
Sometimes we meet someone and there is an immediate connection. Such was my experience upon meeting Roxan at a private party I was attending a couple of months ago. Roxan exudes a sense of confidence that comes from loving and appreciating your work. As you will read, she is a thinker who’s world has been expanded by traveling around the world meeting all kinds of personalities – in and outside the fashion industry. Naturally, her perspective on fashion is from an ‘insider’ view but her use of fashion comes from ‘inside her’.
I asked Roxan to write a blog just for my readers, and she was thrilled to share with you these words…
- It’s a new year! 2012! How exciting is that!!
Does a new year mean a new you? Maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t. I like to think of a new
year as getting rid of the old. Getting rid of the old creates room for something new to come into
your life which might be a wonderful and unexpected gift!
Let’s talk about clothes. Clothes work as a metaphor for everything in your life. By releasing
old clothes from your life, subconsciously you are releasing what doesn’t serve you at the same
time. By releasing what doesn’t serve you you’re not only creating space for something new to
fill that space, you are opening up space in your mind for something new to come into your life
no matter where.
As women we place such importance on our wardrobe. You can use your clothes to shift things
in your lives for the better on different levels. The pieces of clothing that remain after you’ve
released the old, will serve you well.
Consider your newly refreshed wardrobe as a means to express who you are now. Wear outfits
which make you feel great by simply wearing them. Be sure the outfit doesn’t overpower you or
detract from your natural attributes. Usually, as we age, the cleaner the look the better. By this I
mean dress so that you draw your eye to your strong features by accentuating them, not
detracting from them with too many layers, loud patterns or too much jewelry!
Clothes speak volumes about who you are. If you are put together it speaks of self respect
which, in turn, makes people respect you. If you are always dressed casually, your level of work
will be average. If you dress up a notch you help bump up the quality and level of work you
produce. It is proven to be so.
For me personally, my wardrobe is a wonderful tool which helps me say to the world: “This is
who I am and I’m ready!” I dress up and show up. My wardrobe is in constant renewal mode
just as I am throughout the year. Now is a good time to really consider how and
what you want from your life, yourself and others for the new year. Just remember: Be ready to
receive by first releasing what no longer serves you. Good luck and happy new you!
As your Dallas Fashion Consultant, it is my mission to help my clients always look fabulous without being a slave to the whimsical ways of fashion trends. I am passionately committed to making sure my clients always look their very best in order to help them achieve their personal and business goals. If you have any questions or are interested in a personal consultation, call me at 214-223-2200.