The Glamorous Closet

Getting dressed for work is not as easy as it used to be.  And, as in all other areas of life, complication means stress, confusion, and frustration.  Make getting dressed inspiring with a glamorous closet.  In this 3-part series, you’ll read a variety of strategies and resources.  

I know. You’re busy. Your closet reflects just how busy you are. Still, you decide what you want with your closet:

  • To be organized so you can easily create outfits which inspire you every day,
  • To punish yourself for [WHATEVER],
  • To deny that you are worth a beautiful space to get dressed every day

Which one will help you show up at work with the mindset that will help you problem-solve and be the leader you really want to be?  Write it down.

Then, open your calendar and schedule time to get organized – and include your ‘WHY’.  This will keep you focused on the OUTCOME – rather than beat yourself up over the fact that it’s currently not as organized as you’d like. Let’s move forward…

What kind of EXPERIENCE do you want every time you walk into your closet?  Lots of open wall space? Paintings? Vision boards? Everything out-in-the-open or as much out-of-sight as possible?  Think of this space as your personal BOUTIQUE!  Your preference determines the supplies you need to create your ideal morning-shopping-outfit-creating-I-can-conquer-the-world powerful space.  Once you envision how you want the space to feel, the next step is to take action:

Rip it:

Out. All of it. Maybe not the walls but all that’s inside the walls. Remove everything. Now you can change what’s not functioning for you.

By removing everything out of the closet you can to put it back together in a more functional manner.  But before you do this, measure the room.  Then, go to The Container Store or your favorite room designer to learn ideas on to how to put it back together so it functions better.

Paint it:

After a few years your closet needs a new paint job.  Pick a glossy blue-based WHITE. Why?   It will wake you up. It makes the area appear larger, brighter; maybe, even, cleaner. It’s easier to create outfits and to see which colours coordinate well. 

Light it up:

Great lighting is often missing in closets.  If possible, add ceiling lights, a chandelier, or simply remove opaque glass and replace it with clear glass to brighten the space and make it feel larger. Wall lamps can add a chic touch to the room.  A string of mini Christmas lights along the ceiling or tap lights placed in dark corners will have a positive impact in your ability to see around the room.

In January we celebrate the gift of new beginnings. Next time we meet, we’ll talk details about staging your closet boutique.  Until then…

Be Fabulous Always,

As your Dallas Fashion Consultant, it is my mission to help my clients always look fabulous, without being a slave to the whimsical ways of fashion trends.   I am passionately committed to making sure my clients always look their very best in order to help them achieve their personal and business goals.  If you have any questions or are interested in a personal consultation, please schedule a call with me.