Those eyes! Those expressive pools of natural colour!
How do you make them POP?
Sure, you can wear the typical daytime neutral colour palette but how do you make those…
droopy, fine lined, deep set, big lid, wide, small, uneven, allergy eyes
Oh, and what about that NEW eyeliner application – have you mastered that, yet?
Learn how July 25 from 9 – 12
with Colour IQ and Stila Makeup Artist: Savanah Morris
14330 Midway Rd, Suite 229, Dallas, TX 75244
(NE corner of Midway and Proton, just 2 lights south of Belt Line Rd)
Cost: $47
Class size limited to 10
If you are a returning Fab Club Member
(from Forever Flawless or Photo Fabulous), register:
Register. Get the questionnaire. Tell us
what you want for your eyes.
Julie’s Perfect Brow for Your Face Shape Guide
We know those lashes may not be real but at
For Your Eyes Only
you’ll get real eyeball-to-eyeball attention.
You’re so going to love your goodie bag!!